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Specific Flavours for Savoury Snacks

Specific Flavours for Savoury Snacks

What’s your flavour challenge today?

There are no limits to consumer taste expectations in the snack space nowadays. We partner with you to add more flavour to your snacks thanks to our innovative and customized sensory blends.

We can deliver full-flavour taste experience while addressing health and wellness challenges, and putting many efforts in delivering clean label.

Moving flavours forward

Giotti, thanks to McCormick Flavor Forecast, is able to identify emerging culinary trends worldwide. We have pinpointed top trends and flavours thanks to our culinary expertise. Our flavour solutions comes from everywhere, but our Italian traditional flavours, like pesto, pizza and truffle, are the most appreciated solutions for your savoury products.


Health first

We put much attention to consumers’ health therefore we:

  • Maintain salty, umami profiles while reducing sodium and removing added MSG
  • Enhance sweetness in lower-sugar formulas
  • Deliver natural and organic flavour solutions